Hoddy! All her fears fell away. "And now, in return for your liberality, I'll inform you of a secret with which it is important you should be acquainted. You're on the way to big things. I'm used to insult as I am to misfortune, and am grown callous to both; but I'm not used to compassion, and know not how to take it. Why? While the front of his mind was busy warning her not to fall into the hopeless miseries of underpaid teaching, and explaining his idea that for women of initiative, quite as much as for men, the world of business had by far the best chances, the back chambers of his brain were busy with the problem of that “Why?” His first idea as a man of the world was to explain her unrest by a lover, some secret or forbidden or impossible lover. It’s a world in which the law can be a stupid pig and the police-stations dirty dens. The comparisons upon which she could draw were few and confusingly new, mixed with reality and the loose artistic conceptions of heroes in fiction. It was John Diedermayer, who had been transformed into a young scholar with a large pair of wire-rimmed eyeglasses on. "Well, he's a pretty fellow at all events," observed Mrs.
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